About Vito
Vito is a self-hosted web application that helps you manage your servers and deploy your PHP applications into
production servers without a hassle.
Quick Start
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vitodeploy/vito/2.x/scripts/install.sh)
- Provisions and Manages the server
- Easy database management, Supports Mysql and MariaDB
- Deploy your PHP applications such as Laravel
- Manage your server’s firewall
- Supports Custom and Letsencrypt SSL
- Uses supervisor to handle queues
- Manages server’s services
- Deploy your SSH Keys to the server
- Create and Manage cron jobs on the server
Useful Links
- Laravel
- PHPSecLib
- PHPUnit
- Tailwindcss
- Alpinejs
- Livewire
- Vite
- Prettier
- Postcss
- FilamentPHP
- Mobiledetect
- Spatie