A visualizer for pathfinding algorithms in 3D with maze generation, first-person view and device camera input....
A Vue.js slideshow component working with Three.js
👁️👄👁️ to skim glsl sources w/ foldable shader chunks for threejs shaderlib
I explored what my identity was and tried to express it as much as possible using whatever technology I have now....
Material and shader editor which is based on Three.js, WebGL and Vue.js
🌸这是一个有趣的前端趣味知识公园~该项目是我平时捣鼓前端相关技术的一些案例集合。【涵盖:(Tensorflow.js-姿态识别,人脸识别),(WebRTC-音视频通话,录屏,虚拟背景,信令服务器),(Threejs-太阳系,3D 动画),(图片处理-千图成像,图片压缩,画板),(隐写术-文本隐写加密,图片隐写加密)等等.....
Collection of useful helpers and fully functional, ready-made abstractions for TresJS
vue-baidu-map的vue3版本(支持百度地图api2,百度地图api3和百度地图WebGl)。Baidu Map Component for Vue 3.0
Run Real-ESRGAN/Real-CUGAN in Your Local Browser on Any Device. Powered by TensorFlow.js. Support computing with WebGL and WebGPU....
This repository contains the code for the TresJS youtube series on @AlvaroDevLabs
Awesome image component for vue2 & vue3 & nuxt. Lazyload / Responsive / Progressive / WebGL Filter / WebGL Transition / WebP...
ASLS Studio is an open-source, web-based, DMX lighting control software and visualizer.
contentgrid Use WebGL and three.js technology to achieve impressive transition effects, adapted to the mobile terminal. It can help your website or application to...
🎨 A simple 3D editor, that allows wrapping a 3D model into a texture. As a texture, there could be used UV mappings, images, or figures....
minimal nuxt3 starter for creative projects, includes scss setup, gsap, lenis scroll, a native webgl setting (Cursor.vue), a three.js setting (Cube.vue) and a comp...
Material and shader editor which is based on Three.js, WebGL and Vue.js
Examples for the dxf-viewer SDK, which is a WebGL-based BIM model viewer built on Three.js and Vue3. It is used to view DWG/DXF/PDF files....