:fire: Based on vue3.x,vite5.x, vant3.0.0, vue-router v4.0.0-0, vuex^4.0.0-0, vue-cli3, mockjs, imitating Jingdong Taobao, mobile H5 e-commerce platform! 基于vue3.0....
🎉🎉使用Vite + Vue3 + Pinia + Vue-router + TypeScript + Element-plus + Mock开发的后台管理系统🎉🎉
Examples of writing multiple components in a single .vue file
Boilerplate and repository for the tutorial that teaches how to set up JSX in Vue
https://sodatea.github.io/vue-jsx-playground/ a playground for https://github.com/vuejs/jsx
Vite based Vue3 (Typescript) template that uses, vue-router, PWA, daisyUI, tailwindcss, Playwright, vitest, vue-jsx, rollup-visual-visualizer, prettier, sass, vite...
https://sodatea.github.io/vue-jsx-playground/ a playground for https://github.com/vuejs/jsx
🏄♂️ 一个简洁的 NaiveUI + Vite 6 + Vue3 + TSX + Pinia + UnoCSS + Unplugin + ESLint(v9) + Vitest 的 B 端后台 Admin 原型模板框架, 开箱即用, 内置模块化管理、Commit 规范检测 Husky + lint-staged 、路由...