Montreal.rb January 2012 presentation on creating an homoiconic programming language in < 150 LOC.
Presentation given to Atlanta's Emerald City Programming Group
Programming Challenge Solution for Feb 2010 NHRuby Presentation
SASS (SCSS) brings real programming power to CSS. These are the files used during my presentations on SASS....
Presentation about Puzzles & Katas for learning Ruby / programming
Just a little program that prints two men fighting and insulting each other. I saw it in a presentation of the _Why, and wanted to try it out :p. Feel free to add...
A domain-specific programmable presentation framework, in ruby
A program that extracts data from SpaceX's API and outputs: 1) The number of launches by month 2) The total mass of cargo for all successful launches 3) Approximat...
Examples to the presentation I made at NYRuby Meetup on Object Oriented Programming and SOLID Principles...
A keynote presentation program for the terminal. This is an Ironhack exercise.