Gradle plugin enabling build of angular application/components along side with gradle backend build.
Restaurant Reservation system developed with angular using ng-zorro components and firebase as a backend with auth and firestore....
Application dynamique, comportant plusieurs components qui affichent des données via le data binding, sont construits de manière dynamique avec des directives, com...
This is an project to show the use of Angular 19, Spring Boot 3, H2/Postgresql with Jpa, Liquibase, Kafka and Gradle and a Helm chart for a Kubernetes deployment....
A full stack micorservice and component based ecommerce online shopping (eShop) application written using Java, Spring and Spring Boot in Backend, Angular, Mater...
This project is a comprehensive web application encompassing both frontend and backend components. It leverages Angular version 16 for the frontend development and...
Project The Circle - Project The circle is an application landscape containing 4 components: an Angular web app called TrueYou for watching streams of transparent...
This repository contains the backend and app components of an Event Ticket System.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.1.2 and with Angular Material visual components. Field masks were used ngx-Mask version 14.2.4 and to retur...
Angular frontend for a game application, providing user interface and interactions, utilizing the API from the backend to update game state and receive user inputs...
BrightFuture Academy is a dynamic web application, focusing on the design and development of both frontend and backend components for an online educational applica...