High-performance C++ multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical and mechanical systems like vehicles, robots, and the human skeleton.
Simbody is a high-performance, open-source toolkit for science- and
engineering-quality simulation of articulated mechanisms, including
biomechanical structures such as human and animal skeletons,
mechanical systems like robots, vehicles, and machines, and anything
else that can be described as a set of rigid bodies interconnected
by joints, influenced by forces and motions, and restricted by
constraints. Simbody includes a multibody dynamics library for
modeling motion in generalized/internal coordinates in O(n) time.
This is sometimes called a Featherstone-style physics engine.
Simbody provides a C++ API that is used to build domain-specific applications;
it is not a standalone application itself. For example, it is used by
biomechanists in OpenSim, by roboticists in
Gazebo, and for biomolecular research in
MacroMoleculeBuilder (MMB). Here’s an
artful simulation of several RNA molecules containing thousands of bodies,
performed with MMB by Samuel Flores:
Read more about Simbody at the Simbody homepage.
Here’s some code to simulate and visualize a 2-link chain:
#include "Simbody.h"
using namespace SimTK;
int main() {
// Define the system.
MultibodySystem system;
SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
Force::Gravity gravity(forces, matter, -YAxis, 9.8);
// Describe mass and visualization properties for a generic body.
Body::Rigid bodyInfo(MassProperties(1.0, Vec3(0), UnitInertia(1)));
bodyInfo.addDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeSphere(0.1));
// Create the moving (mobilized) bodies of the pendulum.
MobilizedBody::Pin pendulum1(matter.Ground(), Transform(Vec3(0)),
bodyInfo, Transform(Vec3(0, 1, 0)));
MobilizedBody::Pin pendulum2(pendulum1, Transform(Vec3(0)),
bodyInfo, Transform(Vec3(0, 1, 0)));
// Set up visualization.
Visualizer viz(system);
system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, 0.01));
// Initialize the system and state.
State state = system.realizeTopology();
pendulum2.setRate(state, 5.0);
// Simulate for 20 seconds.
RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
TimeStepper ts(system, integ);
See Simbody’s User Guide for a step-by-step explanation of this
Simbody depends on the following:
Simbody works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. For each operating system, you can use a package manager or build from source. In this file, we provide instructions for 6 different ways of installing Simbody:
If you use Linux, check Repology to see if your distribution provides a package for Simbody.
These are not the only ways to install Simbody, however. For example, on a Mac, you could use CMake and Xcode.
All needed library dependencies are provided with the Simbody installation on Windows, including linear algebra and visualization dependencies.
.Get git. There are many options:
Clone the github repository into C:/Simbody-source
. Run the following in a Git Bash / Git Shell, or find a way to run the equivalent commands in a GUI client:
$ git clone https://github.com/simbody/simbody.git C:/Simbody-source
$ git checkout Simbody-3.7
In the last line above, we assumed you want to build a released version.
Feel free to change the version you want to build.
If you want to build the latest development version (“bleeding edge”) of
Simbody off the master
branch, you can omit the checkout
To see the set of releases and checkout a specific version, you can use
the following commands:
$ git tag
$ git checkout Simbody-X.Y.Z
.Default MSVC build configuration
. Presets specify a set of standard build variables. The Default MSVC build configuration
is the recommended build preset for most users. Preset build directories are located at ${simbody-source-dir}/out/build/${preset-name}
variable. We’ll assume you set it to C:/Simbody
. If you choose a different installation location, make sure to use yours where we use C:/Simbody
to see what Simbody can do. On by default.BUILD_TESTING
to ensure your Simbody works correctly. Off by default for user oriented build presets. (A successful build should not need testing; please open an issue if you experience a successful build that doesn’t work as expected.)BUILD_VISUALIZER
to be able to watch your system move about! If building remotely, you could turn this off. On by default.SIMBODY_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
builds the three libraries as shared/dynamic libraries. Builds shared libraries by default. Unless you know what you’re doing, leave this one on.INSTALL_DOCS
builds and installs the Simbody API documentation.Open C:/Simbody-build/Simbody.sln
in Visual Studio.
Select your desired Solution configuration from the drop-down at the top.
.You at least want optimized libraries (all configurations but Debug are optimized), but you
can have Debug libraries coexist with them. To do this, go through the full
installation process twice, once for each configuration.
Build the project ALL_BUILD by right-clicking it and selecting Build.
Run the tests by right-clicking RUN_TESTS and selecting Build. Make sure all tests pass.
(Optional) Build the project doxygen to get API documentation generated from your Simbody source. You will get some warnings if your doxygen version is earlier than Doxygen 1.8.8; upgrade if you can.
Install Simbody by right-clicking INSTALL and selecting Build.
Within your build in Visual Studio (not the installation):
Example -
and select Select as Startup Project.If you are only building Simbody to use it with OpenSim, you can skip this section.
directory to your PATH
environment variable.
to the front of the text field. Don’t forget the semicolon!SIMBODY_HOME
and running SimbodyInstallTest.exe
or SimbodyInstallTestNoViz.exe
.Note: Example binaries are not installed for Debug configurations. They are present in the build environment, however, so you can run them from there. They will run very slowly!
How is your Simbody installation organized?
the visualizer and shared libraries (.dll’s, used at runtime).doc/
a few manuals, as well as API docs (SimbodyAPI.html
the source code for the examples.bin/
the examples, compiled into executables; run them! (Not installed for Debug builds.)include/
the header (.h) files; necessary for projects that use Simbody.lib/
“import” libraries, used during linking.cmake/
CMake files that are useful for projects that use Simbody.These instructions are for building Simbody from source on either a Mac or on
On a Mac, the Xcode developer package gives LAPACK and BLAS to you via the Accelerate
framework. Mac’s come with the visualization dependencies.
On Ubuntu, we need to get the dependencies ourselves. Open a terminal and run the following commands.
$ sudo apt-get install cmake liblapack-dev
.$ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev
.$ sudo apt-get install doxygen
.LAPACK version 3.6.0 and higher may be required for some applications (OpenSim).
LAPACK can be downloaded from http://www.netlib.org/lapack/,
and compiled using the following method. It is sufficient to build Simbody using the
option in cmake.
make install
There are two ways to get the source code.
.Get git.
brew install git
in asudo apt-get install git
in a terminal.Clone the github repository into ~/simbody-source
$ git clone https://github.com/simbody/simbody.git ~/simbody-source
$ git checkout Simbody-3.7
In the last line above, we assumed you want to build a released version.
Feel free to change the version you want to build.
If you want to build the latest development version (“bleeding edge”) of
Simbody off the master
branch, you can omit the checkout
To see the set of releases and checkout a specific version, you can use
the following commands:
$ git tag
$ git checkout Simbody-X.Y.Z
Configure your Simbody build with CMake. We’ll use the cmake
command but you could also use the interactive tools ccmake
or cmake-gui
. You have a few configuration options to play with here.
If you don’t want to fuss with any options, run:
$ cmake ~/simbody-source --preset=default
Presets specify a set of standard build variables. The default
preset is recommended for most users. Preset build directories are located at ${simbody-source-dir}/out/build/${preset-name}
Where do you want to install Simbody? By default, it is installed to /usr/local/
. That’s a great default option, especially if you think you’ll only use one version of Simbody at a time. You can change this via the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
variable. Let’s choose ~/simbody
$ cmake ~/simbody-source --preset=default -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/simbody
Do you want the libraries to be optimized for speed, or to contain debugger symbols? You can change this via the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
variable. There are 4 options:
.You at least want optimized libraries (all configurations but Debug are optimized),
but you can have Debug libraries coexist with them. To do this, go through
the full installation process twice, once for each configuration. It is
typical to use a different build directory for each build type (e.g.,
and ~/simbody-build-release
There are a few other variables you might want to play with:
to see what Simbody can do. On by default.BUILD_TESTING
to ensure your Simbody works correctly. Off by default for userBUILD_VISUALIZER
to be able to watch your systemSIMBODY_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
builds the three libraries as shared/dynamic libraries. Builds shared libraries by default. Unless you know what you’re doing, leave this one on.INSTALL_DOCS
builds and installs the Simbody API documentation.You can combine all these options. Here’s another example:
$ cmake ~/simbody-source --preset=default -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/simbody -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_VISUALIZER=off
Build the API documentation. This is optional, and you can only do this if
you have Doxygen. You will get warnings if your doxygen installation is a version older than Doxygen 1.8.8.
$ cmake --build --preset=default doxygen
Compile. Use the -jn
flag to build using n
processor cores. For example:
$ cmake --build --preset=default -j8
(Optional, only if tests were built) Run the tests (from the build directory):
$ ctest -j8
Install. If you chose CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
to be a location which requires sudo access to write to (like /usr/local/
), prepend this command with a sudo
. (Replace ${build-directory}
in the command with the path to the build directory you have configured, either by the preset or a custom location.)
$ cmake --install ${build-directory} -j8
Just so you know, you can also uninstall (delete all files that CMake placed into CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
) if you’re in the build directory.
$ make uninstall
From your build directory, you can run Simbody’s example programs. For instance, try:
$ ./ExamplePendulum
If you are only building Simbody to use it with OpenSim, you can skip this section.
Allow executables to find Simbody libraries (.dylib’s or so’s) by adding the
Simbody lib directory to your linker path. On Mac, most users can skip
this step.
is /usr/local/
, run:
$ sudo ldconfig
is neither /usr/
nor /usr/local/
(e.g., ~/simbody
$ echo 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/simbody/lib' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/simbody/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' >> ~/.bashrc
These commands add a line to a configuration file that is loaded every
time you open a new terminal. If using Ubuntu, you may need to replace
with the appropriate directory on your computer.
Allow Simbody and other projects (e.g., OpenSim) to find Simbody. Make sure to replace ~/simbody
$ echo 'export SIMBODY_HOME=~/simbody' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo 'export SIMBODY_HOME=~/simbody' >> ~/.bashrc
Open a new terminal.
Test your installation:
$ cd ~/simbody/share/doc/simbody/examples/bin
$ ./SimbodyInstallTest # or ./SimbodyInstallTestNoViz
The installation creates the following directories in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
. The directory [x86_64-linux-gnu]
only exists if you did NOT install to /usr/local/
and varies by platform. Even in that case, the name of your directory may be different.
the header (.h) files; necessary for projects that use Simbody.lib/[x86_64-linux-gnu]/
shared libraries (.dylib’s or .so’s).
CMake files that are useful for projects that use Simbody.pkgconfig/
pkg-config files useful for projects that use Simbody.simbody/examples/
the examples, compiled into executables; run them! (Not installed for Debug builds.)libexec/simbody/
the simbody-visualizer
a few manuals, as well as API docs (SimbodyAPI.html
source code for the examples.examples/bin
symbolic link to the runnable examples.If using a Mac and Homebrew, the dependencies are taken care of for you.
Install Homebrew.
Open a terminal.
Add the Open Source Robotics Foundation’s list of repositories to Homebrew:
$ brew tap osrf/simulation
Install the latest release of Simbody.
$ brew install simbody
To install from the master branch instead, append --HEAD
to the command above.
Simbody is now installed to /usr/local/Cellar/simbody/<version>/
where <version>
is either the version number (e.g., 3.6.1
if you specified --HEAD
Some directories are symlinked (symbolically linked) to /usr/local/
, which is where your system typically expects to find executables, shared libraries (.dylib’s), headers (.h’s), etc. The following directories from the Simbody installation are symlinked:
include/simbody -> /usr/local/include/simbody
lib -> /usr/local/lib
share/doc/simbody -> /usr/local/share/doc/simbody
What’s in the /usr/local/Cellar/simbody/<version>/
the header (.h) files; necessary for projects that use Simbody.lib/
shared libraries (.dylib’s), used at runtime.
CMake files that are useful for projects that use Simbody.pkgconfig/
pkg-config files useful for projects that use Simbody.simbody/examples/
the examples, compiled into executables; run them! (Not installed for Debug builds.)libexec/simbody/
the simbody-visualizer
a few manuals, as well as API docs (SimbodyAPI.html
source code for the examples.examples/bin
symbolic link to executable examples.Starting with Ubuntu 15.04, Simbody is available in the Ubuntu (and Debian) repositories. You can see a list of all simbody packages for all Ubuntu versions at the Ubuntu Packages website. The latest version of Simbody is usually not available in the Ubuntu repositories; the process for getting a new version of Simbody into the Ubuntu repositories could take up to a year.
Open a terminal and run the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install libsimbody-dev simbody-doc
Simbody is installed into the usr/
directory. The directory
varies by platform.
the header (.h) files; necessary for projects that use Simbody.usr/lib/[x86_64-linux-gnu]
shared libraries (.so’s).
CMake files that are useful for projects that use Simbody.pkgconfig/
pkg-config files useful for projects that use Simbody.usr/libexec/simbody/
the simbody-visualizer
a few manuals, as well as API docs (SimbodyAPI.html
source code for the examples.examples/bin
symbolic link to executable examples.Simbody is available via the FreeBSD package repository.
Open a terminal and run the following command:
$ sudo pkg install simbody
Warning: The MinGW
generation and build is experimental!
This build is still experimental, because of :
Below are three sections that gives a list of supported versions, command line
instructions, and reasons why is it not so obvious to use MinGW.
If you do not want to go into details, you need a MinGW version with :
Other versions are supported with additional configurations.
The table below lists the various versions of MinGW versions tested:
OS | Thread | Exception | Comment | URL | |
1 | 64 Bits | Posix | SJLJ | All features supported, all binary included (Recommended version) | MinGW64 GCC 5.2.0 |
2 | 64 Bits | Posix | SEH | Needs to be linked against user’s Blas and Lapack | MinGW64 GCC 5.2.0 |
3 | 32 Bits | Posix | Dwarf | No visualization, all binary included | MinGW64 GCC 5.2.0 |
4 | 32 Bits | Posix | SJLJ | No visualization, needs to be linked against user’s Blas and Lapack | MinGW64 GCC 5.2.0 |
We recommend to use the first configuration where all features are supported and
does not need additional libraries to compile and run.
The URL allows to download directly this version.
The second version needs to be linked against user’s Blas and Lapack
(A CLI example is given below).
Blas and Lapack sources can be downloaded from
For the 3rd and 4th versions that run that target a 32 bit behaviour,
visualization is not possible for the time being.
(It is due to a compile and link problem with glut
Moreover for the 4th one, one needs to provide Blas and Lapack libraries.
Please note that only Posix version of MinGW are supported.
If your version is not supported, CMake will detect it while configuring and stops.
Below are some examples of command line instructions for various cases.
It is assumed you are running commands from a build directory, that can access Simbody source with a command cd ..\simbody
It is recommended to specify with the installation directory with flag CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
(e.g. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Program Files\Simbody"
If not used, the installation directory will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Simbody
on a 64 bit computer. This might be confusing since it is the 32 bit installation location.
Example of instructions where one uses Blas and Lapack libraries provided (to be used in a Windows terminal, where MinGW is in the PATH):
rem CMake configuration
cmake ..\simbody -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Program Files\Simbody"
rem Compilation
rem Test
mingw32-make test
rem Installation
mingw32-make install
Example of instructions where one uses Blas and Lapack libraries provided (to be used in a Windows terminal, where MinGW is NOT in the PATH):
rem Variable and path definition
set CMAKE="C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe"
set MinGWDir=C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\i686-5.2.0-posix-sjlj-rt_v4-rev0\mingw32
set PATH=%MinGWDir%\bin;%MinGWDir%\i686-w64-mingw32\lib
rem CMake configuration
%CMAKE% ..\simbody -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Program Files\Simbody" ^
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH="%MinGWDir%\bin\gcc.exe" ^
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH="%MinGWDir%\bin\g++.exe" ^
rem Compilation
rem Test
mingw32-make test
rem Installation
mingw32-make install
Example of instructions where one uses Blas and Lapack libraries provided (to be used in a MSYS terminal with MinGW in the PATH):
# CMake configuration
cmake ../simbody -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Program Files\Simbody"
# Compilation
# Test
make test
# Installation
make install
Example of instructions where one provides our own Blas and Lapack libraries (to be used in a MSYS terminal with MinGW in the PATH):
# CMake configuration
cmake ../simbody -G"MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Program Files\Simbody" \
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH="C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\i686-5.2.0-posix-sjlj-rt_v4-rev0\mingw32\bin\gcc.exe" \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH="C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\i686-5.2.0-posix-sjlj-rt_v4-rev0\mingw32\bin\g++.exe" \
-DBUILD_USING_OTHER_LAPACK:PATH="C:\Program Files\lapack-3.5.0\bin\liblapack.dll;C:\Program Files\lapack-3.5.0\bin\libblas.dll"
# Test
make test
# Installation
make install
This paragraph explains the reason why one can not use any MinGW version.
MinGW is available with two thread models :
One has to use the Posix thread model, since all thread functionalities (e.g. std:mutex
) are not implemented.
To ease building on Windows, Simbody provides compiled libraries for Blas and Lapack :
If one chooses a MinGW compilation, we need to respect this exception mechanism.
A program can not rely on both mechanisms.
This means that if we want to use the compiled libraries, our MinGW installation should
have the same exception mechanism.
Otherwise, we need to provide our own Blas and Lapack libraries.
To see which exception mechanism is used, user can look at dlls located in the bin
directory of MinGW.
The name of mechanism is present in the file libgcc_XXXX.dll
, where XXXX
can be dw
, seh
or sjlj
For some MinGW versions, this information is also available by looking at the result of gcc --version
CMake will check the version of your MinGW, and if the exception mechanism is different,
then the configuration stops because of this difference.
If one provides Blas and Lapack libraries with the CMake variable BUILD_USING_OTHER_LAPACK
compilation with MinGW is always possible.
Conda is a cross platform package manager that can
be used to install Simbody on Windows, Mac, or Linux. To install Simbody using
Conda you must first install
Miniconda or
Anaconda. Either of these will provide
the conda
command which can be invoked at the command line to install Simbody
from the Conda Forge channel as follows:
$ conda install -c conda-forge simbody
This command will install Simbody (both the libraries and headers) into
the Miniconda or Anaconda installation directory as per the standard layout for
each of the operating systems described above. The Conda Forge Simbody recipe
can be found in Conda Forge’s feedstock
You can download and install simbody using the vcpkg dependency manager:
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install simbody
The simbody port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.
We are grateful for past and continuing support for Simbody’s development in Stanford’s Bioengineering department through the following grants:
Prof. Scott Delp is the Principal Investigator on these grants and Simbody is used extensively in Scott’s Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab as the basis for the OpenSim biomechanical simulation software application for medical research.