
Unity packages and demos—emphasizing ECS, jobs and the Burst compiler—by Reese and others.



Discord Shield

Flocking demo.

Unity packages and demos—emphasizing ECS, jobs and the Burst compiler—by Reese and others.

This project (not associated with Unity Technologies) is a UPM package monorepo that supports the demos in Assets/Scenes; the packages include:

  • Navigation – DOTS navigation with flocking, auto-jumping agents and dynamic surfaces; released as a package on the nav branch.
  • Pathing – DOTS pathing without any bells and whistles; released as a package on the path branch.
  • Entity Prefab Groups – Create and reference groups of entity prefabs with ease; released as a package on the epg branch.
  • Math Extensions – Includes math functions missing from DOTS; released as a package on the math branch.
  • RandomizationUnity.Mathematics.Random number generators in jobs, including Burst-capable ones; released as a package on the random branch.
  • Spatial Events – Reactive entry and exit events in Burst-capable jobs; released as a package on the spatial branch.
  • Utility Code – General utility code for Unity, mainly DOTS-oriented; released as a package on the utility branch.

Note the acknowledgments for credits and attributions.


All contributions to this repository are licensed under MIT.