
:floppy_disk: Queryflatfile is a flat file database library written in PHP.



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Queryflatfile is a flat file database library written in PHP.
Stores your data by default in JSON format, also supports txt, msgPack and igbinary formats.
Manipulate your data with a QueryBuilder similar to SQL syntax.



PHP version

Version PHP QueryFlatFile 3.1.x
<= 7.1 ✗ Unsupported
7.2 / 7.3 / 7.4 ✓ Supported
8.0 / 8.1 / 8.2 ✓ Supported


  • txt for recording data with PHP serialize,
  • json for recording data in JSON format,
  • msgPack for recording data in binary.
  • igbinary for recording data in binary.

Memory required

The minimum amount of memory required depends on the amount of data you are going to process and the type of operations.

Permission of files and directory

Permission to write and read files in the directory that will store your data.



To install Queryflatfile via Composer you must have the installer or the binary file Composer

Go to your project directory, open a command prompt and run the following command:

composer require soosyze/queryflatfile --no-dev

Or, if you use the binary file,

php composer.phar require soosyze/queryflatfile --no-dev

Simple example

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Soosyze\Queryflatfile\Schema;
use Soosyze\Queryflatfile\Request;
use Soosyze\Queryflatfile\TableBuilder;
use Soosyze\Queryflatfile\Driver\Json;

$sch = new Schema(__DIR__ . 'data', 'schema', new Json());
$req = new Request($sch);

$sch->createTableIfNotExists('user', function(TableBuilder $table): void {

$req->insertInto('user', [ 'name', 'firstname' ])
    ->values([ 'NOEL', 'Mathieu' ])
    ->values([ 'DUPOND', 'Jean' ])
    ->values([ 'MARTIN', null ])

$data = $req->select('id', 'name')
    ->where('firstname', '=', 'Jean')



The above example will output:

    [id] => 2
    [name] => DUPOND



  • dropSchema(),
  • getIncrement( string $tableName ),
  • getSchema(),
  • getTableSchema( string $tableName ),
  • hasColumn( string $tableName, $columnName ),
  • hasTable( string $tableName ),
  • setConfig( string $host, string $name = 'schema', DriverInterface $driver = null ).

Handling tables

  • alterTable( string $tableName, callable $callback ),
  • createTable( string $tableName, callable $callback = null ),
  • createTableIfNotExists( string $tableName, callable $callback = null ) :
    • boolean( string $name ),
    • char( string $name, $length = 1),
    • date( string $name ),
    • dateTime( string $name ),
    • float( string $name ),
    • increments( string $name ),
    • integer( string $name ),
    • string( string $name, $length = 255),
    • text( string $name ).
  • dropTable( string $tableName ),
  • dropTableIfExists( string $tableName ),
  • truncateTable( string $tableName ).

Selection request

  • select( string ...$columnNames ),
  • from( string $tableName ),
  • leftJoin( string $tableName, \Closure|string $column, string $condition = '', string $value = '' ),
  • rightJoin( string $tableName, \Closure|string $column, string $condition = '', string $value = '' ),
  • union( RequestInterface $union ),
  • unionAll( RequestInterface $union ),
  • orderBy( string $columnName, int $order = SORT_DESC|SORT_ASC ),
  • limit( int $limit, int $offset = 0 ).

Request for execution

  • insertInto( string $tableName, array $columnNames ),
  • values( array $rowValues ),
  • update( string $tableName, array $row ),
  • delete(),
  • execute() Performs the insertion, modification and deletion of data.

Result(s) of the query

  • fetch(): array Returns the first result of the query,
  • fetchAll(): array Returns all the results of the query,
  • lists( string $columnName, string $key = null ): array Returns a list of the column passed in parameter.


  • where( string $columnName, string $condition, null|scalar $value ),
  • orWhere( string $columnName, string $condition, null|scalar $value ),
  • notWhere( string $columnName, string $condition, null|scalar $value ),
  • orNotWhere( string $columnName, string $condition, null|scalar $value ).

Supported conditions (===, ==, !=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, like, ilike, not like, not ilike)


  • whereGroup( \Closure $columnName ),
  • orWhereGroup( \Closure $columnName ),
  • notWhereGroup( \Closure $columnName ),
  • orNotWhereGroup( \Closure $columnName ).

Where between

  • between( string $columnName, $min, $max ),
  • orBetween( string $columnName, $min, $max ),
  • notBetween( string $columnName, $min, $max ),
  • orNotBetween( string $columnName, $min, $max ).

Where in

  • in( string $columnName, array $values ),
  • orIn( string $columnName, array $values ),
  • notIn( string $columnName, array $values ),
  • orNotIn( string $columnName, array $values ).

Where isNull

  • isNull( string $columnName ),
  • orIsNull( string $columnName ),
  • isNotNull( string $columnName ),
  • orIsNotNull( string $columnName ).

Where regex

  • regex( string $columnName, string $pattern ),
  • orRegex( string $columnName, string $pattern ),
  • notRegex( string $columnName, string $pattern ),
  • orNotRegex( string $columnName, string $pattern ).


For examples of uses, refer to the user documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.