paypal js

Loading wrapper and TypeScript types for the PayPal JS SDK


PayPal JS Monorepo

This is a collection of libraries intended to help developers more easily integrate with PayPal’s JS SDK

Packages Available

Below is a list of available packages to install.

Each package has its own documentation in it’s respective README.


Tools used

Steps to make a change

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Make proposed changes

  3. Run tests

    npm test
  4. Add a changeset for versioning

    npm run changeset:add
  5. Open a new PR


Releasing a new latest

To release a new version please leverage Github Actions. There is a release action that can be run to create a new release.

Release a new alpha

There is no Github Action for alpha release at this time. Because this repo utilizes changesets we can follow their process locally in the meantime. This document can be seen here.