๐Ÿ† The Best Pagination Ruby Gem ๐Ÿฅ‡



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๐Ÿ† The Best Pagination Ruby Gem ๐Ÿฅ‡

โœด Whatโ€™s new in 9.0+ โœด

  • Wicked-fast Keyset Pagination for big data! It works with ActiveRecord::Relation and Sequel::Dataset sets.
  • More Playground Apps to showcase, clone and develop pagy APPs without any setup on your side
  • Lots of refactorings and optimizations
  • See the Changelog for possible breaking changes

๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€

Each dot in the visualization above represents the resources that Pagy consumes for one full rendering. The other gems consume
hundreds of times as much for the same rendering.

The IPS/Kb ratio is calculated out of speed (IPS)
and Memory (Kb): it shows how well each gem uses each Kb of memory it allocates/consumes.

Notice: the above charts refers to the comparison of the basic pagy v3.0.0 helper with will_paginate v3.1.7
and kaminari v1.1.1.

While itโ€™s not up-to-date, you can expect roughly similar results with the latest versions, maybe a bit less dramatic in
performance due to the multiple features added to pagy since v3 (e.g. customizable and translated aria-labels). However, consider
that the difference become A LOT bigger in favor of pagy if you use *nav_js helpers, Pagy::Countless or JSON and client side
pagination that are not part of the comparison because missing in the other gems.

For full details about the charts above:

๐Ÿคฉ It does it all. Better.

๐Ÿ˜Ž Itโ€™s easy to use and customize

Code for basic pagination...
# Include it in the controllers (e.g. application_controller.rb)
include Pagy::Backend

# Include it in the helpers (e.g. application_helper.rb)
include Pagy::Frontend

# Wrap your collections with pagy in your actions
@pagy, @records = pagy(Product.all)

Optionally set your defaults in the pagy initializer:

# Optionally override some pagy default with your own in the pagy initializer
Pagy::DEFAULT[:limit] = 10 # items per page
Pagy::DEFAULT[:size]  = 9  # nav bar links
# Better user experience handled automatically
require 'pagy/extras/overflow'
Pagy::DEFAULT[:overflow] = :last_page
<%# Render a view helper in your views (skipping nav links for empty pages) %>
<%== pagy_nav(@pagy) if @pagy.pages > 1 %>

Or, choose from the following view helpers:

View Helper Name Preview (Bootstrap Style shown)
(other units: :quarter, :week, :day and custom)
calendar extra

(See the Quick Start)

Customization for CSS frameworks...
# Require a CSS framework extra in the pagy initializer (e.g. bootstrap)
require 'pagy/extras/bootstrap'
<%# Use it in your views %>
<%== pagy_bootstrap_nav(@pagy) %>

(See all the CSS Framework Extras)

Customization for special collections...
# Require some special backend extra in the pagy initializer (e.g. elasticsearch_rails)
require 'pagy/extras/elasticsearch_rails'

# Extend your models (e.g. application_record.rb)
extend Pagy::ElasticsearchRails

# Use it in your actions
response         = Article.pagy_search(params[:q])
@pagy, @response = pagy_elasticsearch_rails(response)

(See all the Search Extras)

Customization for client-side|JSON rendering...
# Require the metadata extra in the pagy initializer
require 'pagy/extras/metadata'

# Use it in your actions
pagy, records = pagy(Product.all)
render json: { data: records,
               pagy: pagy_metadata(pagy) }

(See all the Backend Tools)

Customization for headers pagination for APIs...
# Require the headers extra in the pagy initializer
require 'pagy/extras/headers'

# Use it in your actions
pagy, records = pagy(Product.all)
render json: records

(See all the Backend Tools)

Customization for JSON:API pagination...
# Require the jsonapi extra in the pagy initializer
require 'pagy/extras/jsonapi'

# Use it in your actions
pagy, records = pagy(Product.all)
render json: { data:  records,
               links: pagy_jsonapi_links(pagy) }
# besides the query params will be nested. E.g.: ?page[number]=2&page[size]=100

(See all the Backend Tools)

More customization with Extras that add special options and manage different components, behaviors, Frontend or Backend environmentsโ€ฆ usually by just
requiring them (and optionally overriding some default).

See also the How To Page

๐Ÿค“ Itโ€™s well documented and supported



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๐Ÿ‘ Credits

Many thanks to:

๐Ÿ“ฆ Repository Info

How to contribute

See Contributing

  • The master branch is the latest rubygem-published release. It also contains docs and comment changes that donโ€™t affect the
    published code. It is never force-pushed.
  • The dev branch is the development branch with the new code that will be merged in the next release. It could be force-pushed.
  • Expect any other branch to be internal, experimental, force-pushed, rebased and/or deleted even without merging.

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๐Ÿ“ƒ License