Download images from remote URLs or use local images and encode/decode them to Base64 string or Buffer object
Download images from remote URLs or use local images and encode/decode them to Base64 string or Buffer object
npm i node-base64-image --save
const base64 = require('node-base64-image');
// or
import {encode, decode} from 'node-base64-image';
// encoding a remote jpg to base64
const url = '';
const options = {
string: true,
headers: {
"User-Agent": "my-app"
const image = await encode(url, options);
// encoding a local file
const localUrl = 'C:/project/test.jpg';
const localImage = await encode(url, {string: true, local: true});
// writing to file named 'example.jpg'
await decode(image, { fname: 'example', ext: 'jpg' });
// writing to a sub-directory
// after creating a directory called 'photos'
const image = await encode(url, options);
await decode(image, { fname: './photos/example', ext: 'jpg' });
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Made with love in Dhaka, Bangladesh by Riyadh Al Nur