ngx firebase web authn

An unofficial AngularFire extension for authentication with WebAuthn passkeys. Includes a single Firebase Function for all WebAuthn operations, five tree-shakeable async methods for use in components, and a strongly-typed error object.



Firebase Authentication Firebase Functions Firestore SimpleWebAuthn

An unofficial AngularFire extension for authentication with WebAuthn passkeys.

Deprecated: This project is now FirebaseWebAuthn version 9.


% npm install @ngx-firebase-web-authn/browser --save


import { createUserWithPasskey, signInWithPasskey, verifyUserWithPasskey } from "@ngx-firebase-web-authn/browser";
createUserWithPasskey: (auth: Auth, functions: Functions, name: string) => Promise<UserCredential>;
    signInWithPasskey: (auth: Auth, functions: Functions)               => Promise<UserCredential>;
verifyUserWithPasskey: (auth: Auth, functions: Functions)               => Promise<void>;

Passkeys can be used as a secondary auth provider, as well:

import { linkWithPasskey, unlinkPasskey } from "@ngx-firebase-web-authn/browser";
linkWithPasskey: (auth: Auth, functions: Functions, name: string) => Promise<UserCredential>;
  unlinkPasskey: (auth: Auth, functions: Functions)               => Promise<void>;

Designed to be used like the Firebase JavaScript API (version 9):

import { Auth }                           from "@angular/fire/auth";
import { Functions }                      from "@angular/fire/functions";
import { createUserWithEmailAndPassword } from "@angular/fire/auth";
import { createUserWithPasskey }          from "@ngx-firebase-web-authn/browser";
class SignUpComponent {

    private readonly auth: Auth,
    private readonly functions: Functions,
  ) {
    // AngularFire usage
      .createUserWithEmailAndPassword = (email: string, password: string): Promise<void> => createUserWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password)
      .then((): void => void(0));
    // ngxFirebaseWebAuthn usage
      .createUserWithPasskey = (name: string): Promise<void> => createUserWithPasskey(auth, functions, name)
      .then((): void => void(0));


  public readonly createUserWithEmailAndPassword: (email: string, password: string) => Promise<void>;
  public readonly createUserWithPasskey: (name: string) => Promise<void>;


Add .catch((err: NgxFirebaseWebAuthnError): void => console.error(err)) to these methods for a detailed error object with a code, message, method, and/or operation. method is present for Firebase errors, and operation is present on all errors except Firebase errors from Auth methods:

import { NgxFirebaseWebAuthnError } from "@ngx-firebase-web-authn/browser";
class NgxFirebaseWebAuthnError extends Error {
  code: `ngxFirebaseWebAuthn/${FirebaseError["code"] | "missing-auth" | "missing-user-doc" | "no-op" | "not-verified" | "user-doc-missing-challenge-field" | "user-doc-missing-passkey-fields" | "cancelled" | "invalid"}`;
  message: FirebaseError["message"] | "No user is signed in." | "No user document was found in Firestore." | "No operation is needed." | "User not verified." | "User doc is missing challenge field from prior operation." | "User doc is missing passkey fields from prior operation.";
  method?: "httpsCallableFromURL" | "signInAnonymously" | "signInWithCustomToken";
  operation?: "clear challenge" | "clear user doc" | "create authentication challenge" | "create reauthentication challenge" | "create registration challenge" | "verify authentication" | "verify reauthentication" | "verify registration";


  • Your backend security logic should depend on the lastVerified field in the user’s document in the webAuthnUsers collection which is updated automatically on sign-in and verification.
  • The name parameter is not stored except in the passkey and can be changed by the user without the app being able to know. Once users are signed in, your app should create a document in a separate users/profiles collection to store user information.
  • An anonymous user linked with a passkey is the same as a user created with createUserWithPasskey, and is marked by Firebase as having no provider.
  • Because users don’t change their uid between starting and completing creating an account, your app should listen to onIdTokenChanged rather than onAuthStateChanged.


This package contains a Firebase Function used to facilitate registering, authenticating, reauthenticating WebAuthn passkeys, and clearing data if the user cancels the process or unlinks a passkey.

Public keys are stored in the webAuthnUsers collection in Firestore. Setup doesn’t require you to modify any Firestore rules. Your app should use a separate users/profiles collection to store user information.


From your Firebase Functions package root, run:

% npm install @ngx-firebase-web-authn/functions --save

Re-export the function from your functions/index.ts file.

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app';


export { ngxFirebaseWebAuthn } from '@ngx-firebase-web-authn/functions';

// Other functions...

Deploy your Firebase Functions:

% firebase deploy --only functions


For the browser to reach ngxFirebaseWebAuthn, modify your firebase.json to include a rewrite on each app where you’d like to use passkeys.

  "hosting": [
      "target": "...",
      "rewrites": [
          "source": "/ngxFirebaseWebAuthn",
          "function": "ngxFirebaseWebAuthn"

Google Cloud setup

  • Enable the Anonymous authentication provider in Firebase if you are not using it already.
  • Add the Service Account Token Creator role to your Firebase Functions’ service account in GCP IAM project permissions. This is either the Default compute service account or the App Engine default service account, and can be seen under “Runtime service account” in GCP Cloud Function configuration after deployment.