🚀 Open-source - The world's easiest, most powerful Angular dialog modal framework. Confirmation box, Alert box, Toast notification, Cookie banner, Any dynamic dialog content.
Thank you to everyone who has supported and used @costlydeveloper/ngx-awesome-popup over the years. This package will continue to work, but I have reached a point where I could not implement the features I envisioned within its framework. Therefore, I have decided to separate the concepts into more optimized packages, making @ng-vibe the new platform for our future development. Please transition to the new @ng-vibe series for ongoing updates and improvements: @ng-vibe/dialog, @ng-vibe/drawer, @ng-vibe/toastify and more to come. Your support and feedback have been invaluable, and I look forward to continuing our journey with these new tools.
The world's easiest, most powerful dialog modal framework for Angular.
Visit the DEMO for code generators, demos and documentation.
If you in any doubt, find out the good reasons to use this library on the Dev.to.
Licensed under MIT.