Angular wrapper for the Autodesk Forge Viewer.
Angular wrapper for the Autodesk Forge Viewer.
The wrapper was designed to meet the following requirements:
The library targets Angular 8 and newer.
Follow these steps to get the viewer working in your app.
A full demonstration of how to use the the library can be found on StackBlitz -
Add the ng2-adsk-forge-viewer NPM package to your app - npm install ng2-adsk-forge-viewer --save
or yarn add ng2-adsk-forge-viewer
Add <adsk-forge-viewer></adsk-forge-viewer>
element to your component html
<adsk-forge-viewer [viewerOptions]="viewerOptions3d">
There is a specific flow of logic to initialize the viewer:
event is emitted and you can now load a model. The event arguments contain a reference to the viewer which can be used to set the documentId to load. E.g.:public loadDocument(args: ViewerInitializedEvent) {
args.viewerComponent.DocumentId = DOCUMENT_URN_GOES_HERE;
can be used to get the most basic viewer optionsWhen the model has been loaded the onDocumentChanged
event is emitted. This event can be used to define the view to display (by default, the viewer will load the first 3D viewable it can find).
An example of displaying a 2D viewable:
<adsk-forge-viewer [viewerOptions]="viewerOptions2d"
public documentChanged(event: DocumentChangedEvent) {
const { document } = event;
if (!document.getRoot()) return;
const viewables = document.getRoot().search({ type: 'geometry', role: '2d' });
if (viewables && viewables.length > 0) {
event.viewerComponent.loadDocumentNode(document, viewables[0]);
The ViewerOptions interface is as follows:
interface ViewerOptions {
initializerOptions: Autodesk.Viewing.InitializerOptions;
viewerConfig?: Autodesk.Viewing.ViewerConfig;
headlessViewer?: boolean;
showFirstViewable?: boolean;
enableMemoryManagement?: boolean;
onViewerScriptsLoaded?: () => void;
onViewerInitialized: (args: ViewerInitializedEvent) => void;
allows you to provide arguments for the Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer. One of the most important settings is how the Forge viewer is to obtain it’s access token.
You can provide an access key as a string, but I’d recommend using the function - the viewer will call the function you provide to obtain a new token when required - e.g. when the viewer first initialises or when the current token held by the viewer is shortly expiring.
Your viewer options code would look something like this:
this.viewerOptions3d = {
initializerOptions: {
env: 'AutodeskProduction',
getAccessToken: (onGetAccessToken: (token: string, expire: number) => void) => {
// Call back-end API endpoint to get a new token
// Pass new token and expire time to Viewer's callback method
api: 'derivativeV2',
onViewerInitialized: (args: ViewerInitializedEvent) => {
// Load document in the viewer
args.viewerComponent.DocumentId = 'DOCUMENT_URN_HERE';
allows you to provide additional options to Viewer3D’s registered with the viewing application. Such as whether to ues the light or dark theme, any extensions to register with the viewer etc.
By default, the viewer component will intialise a ‘full’ ViewingApplication
with toolbar, navigation controls etc. If you want a ‘headless viewer’ without these additional bits of UI, set the headlessViewer
of the ViewOptions to true:
this.viewerOptions3d = {
initializerOptions: {
env: 'AutodeskProduction',
getAccessToken: (onGetAccessToken: (token: string, expire: number) => void) => {
// Call back-end API endpoint to get a new token
// Pass new token and expire time to Viewer's callback method
api: 'derivativeV2',
headlessViewer: true,
onViewerInitialized: (args: ViewerInitializedEvent) => {
// Load document in the viewer
args.viewerComponent.DocumentId = 'DOCUMENT_URN_HERE';
Some users have reported that the default viewable is not rendered and have had to resort to using the onDocumentChanged changed event to load a model in the viewer.
An implementation might look like the following:
<adsk-forge-viewer [viewerOptions]="viewerOptions2d"
public documentChanged(event: DocumentChangedEvent) {
const { document } = event;
if (!document.getRoot()) return;
const viewables = document.getRoot().search({ type: 'geometry', role: '2d' });
if (viewables && viewables.length > 0) {
event.viewerComponent.loadDocumentNode(document, viewables[0]);
The viewer component comes with a BasicExtension
that it registers against all viewers. The basic extension captures a handful of events including:
The viewer emits these events and should support most use cases. It’s possible to obtain a reference to the BasicExtension via the viewer’s basicExtension
The BasicExtension
is derived from an Extension
that wraps up all the logic to register and unregister extensions with the Forge Viewer. It also contains logic to cast Forge Viewer event arguments to strongly typed TypeScript classes.
Your extension should derive from Extension
and have a few basic properties and methods.
export class MyExtension extends Extension {
// Extension must have a name
public static extensionName: string = 'MyExtension';
public load() {
// Called when Forge Viewer loads your extension
public unload() {
// Called when Forge Viewer unloads your extension
Example viewer options to register and load the above extension:
this.viewerOptions3d = {
initializerOptions: {
env: 'AutodeskProduction',
getAccessToken: (onGetAccessToken: (token: string, expire: number) => void) => {
// Call back-end API endpoint to get a new token
// Pass new token and expire time to Viewer's callback method
api: 'derivativeV2',
onViewerScriptsLoaded: () => {
Extension.registerExtension(MyExtension.extensionName, MyExtension);
onViewerInitialized: (args: ViewerInitializedEvent) => {
// Load document in the viewer
args.viewerComponent.DocumentId = 'DOCUMENT_URN_HERE';
Most of the methods in the abstract Extension
class are protected. So they can be overriden in derived classes if required. For example, the BasicExtension overrides the registerExtension
method to take a callback to let the viewer component know when the Extension has been registered.
For instructions on how to develop the component (build, debug, test etc.), see (