net http spy

Ever wondered what HTTP requests the Ruby gem you are using to connect to a third party API is making? Use HTTP Spy to see what is going on behind the scenes



Ever wondered what HTTP requests the Ruby gem you are using to connect to a third party
API is making? Use HTTP Spy to see what is going on behind the scenes.


sudo gem install martinbtt-net-http-spy

Example Usage

require 'rubygems'
require 'twitter'
gem 'net-http-spy'
require 'net-http-spy''httparty').each { |r| r }
# Outputs...
-- : CONNECT: ["", 80]
-- : GET /search.json?q=httparty
-- : BODY: Net::HTTPOK

See the examples folder for more.

Further Options

Show the call trace to the originating line of code in the third party gem

Net::HTTP.http_logger_options = {:trace => true}

Output the body of the request

Net::HTTP.http_logger_options = {:body => true}

Show the full raw HTTP output

Net::HTTP.http_logger_options = {:verbose => true}

Change the logger. By default HTTP spy logs to STDOUT

Net::HTTP.http_logger ='twitter.log')

Bonus Points

Use it to grab sample data for FakeWeb = testing goodness.


This is a pretty early release. Iā€™m sure there is plenty that can be done to improve compatibility
as several libraries call Net::HTTP in a slightly different way.
Feel free to fork and send in pull requests/patches.

Find Me

Martin Sadler (martin ā€“ at ā€“