[DEPRECATED] Powered by AI Playgrounds by E2B. Code interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT. Run any language, any terminal process, use filesystem freely. All with access to the internet.
Click on the image to watch the demo
E2B plugin for ChatGPT is like code interpreter on steroids.
We give your ChatGPT instance access to a full cloud environment that’s sandboxed. That means:
These cloud instances are meant to be used for agents. Like a sandboxed playgrounds, where the agent can do whatever it wants.
👉 This plugin is powered by the E2B API. If you’d like an early access, join our Discord and send us a message! 👈
This plugin exposes 3 simple commands (see the OpenAPI file):
These simple 3 primitives enable a whole set of possibilities.
Here is a few ideas what you can do with these commands:
Run any language, not just Python. Currently supported out of the box:
Please open an issue if you want us to support another language
Install headless chrome (go wild!)
Run databases
Start servers
Run terminal commands
Create long running processes
Deploy websites
Install programs via terminal
There are two ways:
To install the required packages for this plugin, run the following command:
npm install
To run the plugin, you will need API Key. Click here to get your API key.
Then enter the following command:
E2B_API_KEY=*** npm run dev
Once the local server is running:
Install youtube-dl and use it to download this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw
Start HTTP server on port 3000
Clone this repo “https://github.com/e2b-dev/chatgpt-plugin”, fix any typos in readme push it
The official ChatGPT Code Interpreter supports uploading and downloading files. While the e2b code interpreter doesn’t support this functionality natively (yet), you can “hack” around it just by using the curl
or wget
command and a service such as the S3 bucket.
E2B is the company behind this plugin. We’re building an operating system for AI agents. A set of low-level APIs for building agents (debugging, auth, monitor, and more) together with sandboxed cloud environments for the agents where the agents can roam freely without barriers 🐎.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Then start reloading server by running:
npm run dev
We are using tsoa to generate OpenAPI spec and to generate server route boilerplate. It uses TypeScript decorators to describe the API.
Edit the Controllers in src/plugin
to modify the API exposed to the plugin.
The documentation of API in the OpenAPI spec is generated from the JSDoc comments in the Controllers. See tsoa docs for more info.
The info section inside of OpenAPI spec is injected in the script that reformats the generated spec so if you want to change it, you need to change it there not by changing the openapi.yaml
file directly.
You may also want to modify the ChatGPT plugin manifest to change metadata about the plugin.