kitchen terraform

Test Kitchen plugins for testing Terraform configurations


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Kitchen-Terraform enables verification of infrastructure systems provisioned with Terraform.

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Deprecation Notice ⚠️

With the
announcement of
a native test framework with Terraform 1.6 on 2023-10-04, we are excited/saddened/relieved to announce the deprecation
of Kitchen-Terraform 🎉 The project will enter a maintenance-only period for about 1 year, after which time it
will be archived.

We strongly recommend that users begin to learn about
Terraform tests and plan their migration to the new
framework accordingly.

So long, and thanks for all the tests 💖

Kitchen-Terraform provides a set of Test Kitchen plugins
which enable the use of Test Kitchen to converge a Terraform
configuration and verify the resulting infrastructure systems with
InSpec controls.

As Kitchen-Terraform integrates several distinctive technologies in a
nontrivial manner, reviewing the documentation of each of the
aforementioned products is strongly encouraged.



Kitchen-Terraform integrates with the
Terraform command-line interface to implement a Test
Kitchen workflow for Terraform modules.

Installation instructions can be found in the
Terraform: Install Terraform article.

Kitchen-Terraform supports versions of Terraform in the interval of
>= 0.11.4, < 2.0.0.

tfenv can be used to manage versions of Terraform on the system.


Kitchen-Terraform is written in Ruby which requires an
interpreter to be installed on the system.

Installation instructions can be found in the
Ruby: Installing Ruby article.

Kitchen-Terraform aims to support all versions of Ruby that are in
“normal” or “security” maintenance, which is currently
the interval of >= 2.4, < 2.8.

rbenv can be used to manage versions of Ruby on the system.

Kitchen-Terraform Ruby Gem

Each version of Kitchen-Terraform is published as a
Ruby gem to
which makes them readily available for installation on a system.


Bundler should be used to manage versions of
Kitchen-Terraform on the system. Using Bundler provides easily
reproducible Ruby gem installations that can be shared with other

First, create a Gemfile with contents like the following example. The
pessimistic pinning of the version is recommended to benefit from
the semantic versioning of the Ruby gem.

Defining Kitchen-Terraform as a dependency for Bundler in a Gemfile

source "" do
  gem "kitchen-terraform", "~> 7.0"

Second, run the following command.

Installing Kitchen-Terraform with Bundler

bundle install

The preceding command will create a Gemfile.lock comprising a list
of the resolved Ruby gem dependencies.

More information can be found in the
Bundler: In Depth article.


RubyGems, the default Ruby package manager, can also be used to install
a version of Kitchen-Terraform by running a command like the following

Installing Kitchen-Terraform with RubyGems

gem install kitchen-terraform --version 7.0.2

This approach is not recommended as it requires more effort to install
the gem in a manner that is reproducible and free of dependency

More information can be found in the
RubyGems: Installing Gems article.

Extra Dependencies

The RbNaCl gem may need to be installed in order
to use Ed25519-type SSH keys to connect to systems with the SSH backend.
This gem implicitly depends on the system package libsodium, and its
presence when libsodium is not installed causes unexpected errors when
loading InSpec transport plugins like GCP, so it is not included by
default to reduce the burden on users whom do not require support for
Ed25519-type SSH keys.


A familiarity with Test Kitchen workflows and commands is required to use Kitchen-Terraform.


Kitchen-Terraform provides four Test Kitchen plugins which must be
configured in a
Test Kitchen configuration file in
order to successfully test Terraform configuration.

The Terraform driver is the bridge between Test
Kitchen and Terraform. It manages the state of the
Terraform root module under test by shelling out and running Terraform commands.

The Terraform provisioner applies changes to
the Terraform state based on the configuration of the root module.

The Terraform transport is responsible for the
integration with the Terraform CLI.

The Terraform verifier utilizes InSpec to verify
the behaviour and state of resources in the Terraform state.

More information can be found in the
Ruby gem documentation.

The kitchen doctor command can be used to validate the system and the
configuration file.


Versions of Terraform in the 0.11 series may cause kitchen test to
fail if the initial destroy targets an empty Terraform state. A
workaround for this problem is to use
kitchen verify && kitchen destroy instead of kitchen test. More
details about the problem are available in
issue #271.

Tutorials and Examples

Several tutorials are available on the
Kitchen-Terraform Tutorials page.

The integration tests for Kitchen-Terraform can also be viewed as
examples of how it works. The
integration test Test Kitchen configuration file
and the integration test directory provide several
functional examples which exercise various features of


Kitchen-Terraform thrives on community contributions.

Information about contributing to Kitchen-Terraform can be found in the
Contributing document.


Kitchen-Terraform adheres to semantic versioning and documents all
significant changes accordingly.

Information about changes to Kitchen-Terraform can be found in the


Kitchen-Terraform is maintained by community contributors
and Copado NCS LLC.

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Kitchen-Terraform is distributed under the Apache License.