
**JsonShelter** is a lightweight JSON database library for PHP, enabling easy CRUD operations for structured data. Simple file-based storage, intuitive interface, and unique record management make data handling effortless. Perfect for prototypes and small applications.


πŸ—„οΈ JsonShelter - Your Friendly PHP JSON Manager

Welcome to JsonShelter! This is a nifty PHP library designed to help you store and manage your JSON data with ease. Let’s dive into the installation and usage instructions! πŸš€

Installation βš™οΈ

You can bring JsonShelter into your project using one of the methods below:

Method 1: Install via Composer 🎡

Use Composer to include the package seamlessly in your project:

composer require almhdy/json-shelter

Method 2: Clone the Repository πŸ₯³

Prefer to have a local copy? Clone the repository directly from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/almhdy24/JsonShelter.git

Method 3: Download as Archive πŸ“¦

You can also download a release archive from GitHub. Simply visit the releases page and grab the latest version as a ZIP file. Extract it to your project directory.

Usage πŸ“–

Using JsonShelter in your project is easy-peasy! Include the class by using Composer or directly. Let’s walk through it!

Option 1: Using Composer πŸ₯‡

If you used Composer, just include the autoload file and get started! Here’s an example:

// Include Composer's autoload file
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Use the JsonShelter namespace
use Almhdy\JsonShelter.JsonShelter;

// Create a new JsonShelter instance
$baseDir = "myDatabase"; // Base directory path
$secretKey = "your_secret_key"; // Your secret key
$secretIv = "your_secret_iv"; // Your secret IV

$logger = new Logger('json_shelter');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::DEBUG));

$db = new JsonShelter($baseDir, $secretKey, $secretIv, $logger);

Option 2: Directly Including the File 🌟

If you cloned the repo or downloaded the archive, include the JsonShelter.php file directly. Adjust the path as needed!

// Include the JsonShelter class file
require 'path/to/JsonShelter.php';  // Set the correct path

// Use the JsonShelter namespace
use Almhdy.JsonShelter.JsonShelter;

// Create a new JsonShelter instance
$baseDir = "myDatabase"; // Base directory path
$secretKey = "your_secret_key"; // Your secret key
$secretIv = "your_secret_iv"; // Your secret IV

$logger = new Logger('json_shelter');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::DEBUG));

$db = new JsonShelter($baseDir, $secretKey, $secretIv, $logger);

Encryption πŸ›‘οΈ

You can easily enable or disable encryption for your records. This is a handy feature to keep your data secure!

  • Enable Encryption:
  • Disable Encryption:

Record Operations πŸ“‹

You can perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) with the following methods:

  • Create a record: ✍️
// Create a new record in 'myTable'
$db->create('myTable', ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 30]);
  • Read a record: πŸ”
// Read a record from 'myTable' by ID
$record = $db->read('myTable', 1); // Replace 1 with the record ID
print_r($record); // Display the retrieved record
  • Update a record: πŸ”„
// Update a record in 'myTable' by ID
$db->update('myTable', 1, ['age' => 31]); // Increment age
  • Delete a record: ❌
// Delete a record from 'myTable' by ID
$db->delete('myTable', 1); // Replace 1 with the record ID

Model Class

The Model class provides an ORM-like interface to interact with the JsonShelter class.


First, initialize a Model for a specific table:

use Almhdy.JsonShelter.Model;

// Initialize a Model for the 'users' table
$userModel = new Model($db, 'users');

Inserting Data

Inserting data using the Model:

// Insert a new record
$userModel->create(['name' => 'Jane Doe', 'email' => '[email protected]']);

Reading Data

Reading all records:

// Read all records
$users = $userModel->all();

Reading a specific record by ID:

// Read a specific record by ID
$user = $userModel->find(1);

Updating Data

Updating a record:

// Update a record
$userModel->update(1, ['email' => '[email protected]']);

Deleting Data

Deleting a record:

// Delete a record

Querying Data

Filtering records:

// Get users with the name 'Jane Doe'
$users = $userModel->where(['name' => 'Jane Doe']);

Searching within a field:

// Search for users with 'example.com' in their email
$users = $userModel->search('email', 'example.com');

Ordering and limiting data:

// Order users by name in ascending order
$orderedUsers = $userModel->orderBy('name', 'asc');

// Limit the number of users returned
$limitedUsers = $userModel->limit(10, 0);

JsonEncryptor Class

The JsonEncryptor class handles encryption and decryption of data.


Initialize the JsonEncryptor class with a secret key and initialization vector:

use Almhdy.JsonShelter.JsonEncryptor;

// Initialize JsonEncryptor
$encryptor = new JsonEncryptor('your_secret_key', 'your_secret_iv');

Encrypting Data

Encrypting data:

$data = ['name' => 'Jane Doe', 'email' => '[email protected]'];
$encryptedData = $encryptor->encrypt($data);
echo $encryptedData;

Decrypting Data

Decrypting data:

$decryptedData = $encryptor->decrypt($encryptedData);

Handling Large Datasets

Encrypting a large file using streams:

$inputStream = fopen('path/to/large_file.json', 'rb');
$outputStream = fopen('path/to/encrypted_file.enc', 'wb');
$encryptor->encryptStream($inputStream, $outputStream);

Decrypting a large file using streams:

$inputStream = fopen('path/to/encrypted_file.enc', 'rb');
$outputStream = fopen('path/to/decrypted_file.json', 'wb');
$encryptor->decryptStream($inputStream, $outputStream);

Additional Methods Overview

Our database manager 🌈, now affectionately called β€œdb,” comes packed with handy extra methods πŸŽ‰ that make managing JSON files and checking their directory status a breeze! Let’s explore them.

Check Directory Status

Before diving into the JSON realm, make sure your directory is in tip-top shape! This method checks if it’s readable and writable:

$status = $db->checkDirectoryStatus();

Get Size and Permissions of JSON Files

Curious about your JSON files? This method gives you the lowdown on their size and permissions:

$directoryInfo = $db->getJsonFilesInfo();

Set Best Permissions for JSON Files

Let’s tighten up security! This method automatically sets the best permissions for your JSON files:

$permissionResults = $db->setBestPermissionsForJsonFiles();

Conclusion πŸŽ‰

And that’s a wrap! 🎊 You’ve now unlocked the power of JsonShelter, making it super simple to integrate into your PHP applications! πŸš€ With just a few easy steps, you’re ready to harness the power of file-based JSON data management, complete with encryption and ORM-like capabilities.

Remember, every line of code brings you closer to your goals. Embrace the journey and happy coding! πŸ˜„πŸ’»βœ¨