iOS Artwork Extractor

Extract iOS artwork and emoji symbols into png files, generate glossy buttons png files


iOS Artwork

iOS Artwork Extractor extracts all the artwork and emoji symbols contained in iOS into png files.

In order to extract Retina Display @2x high resolution images, choose the Hardware > Device > iPhone 4 menu in the iPhone Simulator.

See instructions on the wiki to extract more artwork.

  • Set the ARTWORK_DIRECTORY environment variable to control where the png files are saved. If it is not set, the files will be saved into a folder on your desktop.

Glossy Buttons

iOS Artwork Extractor can also generate glossy buttons png files if you are using a simulator running iOS 5.0 or older. Thanks to @schwa for the original code. Three states (normal/highlighted/disabled) glossy buttons png files are saved into the same directory as iOS artwork png files under the UIGlassButton subdirectory.


iOS Artwork Extractor also knows how to extract artwork from apps you downloaded from the App Store. It goes without saying that this is for educational purpose only and that you should not steal others’ artwork.

  • Use the MOBILE_APPLICATIONS_DIRECTORY environment variable if your iTunes library is not located in the standard location, i.e. ~/Music/iTunes.
