
Re-write of Injection for Xcode in (mostly) Swift

Objective-C Project

Yes, HotReloading for Swift

Chinese language README: 中文集成指南


Code injection allows you to update the implementation of functions and any method of a class, struct or enum incrementally in the iOS simulator
without having to perform a full rebuild or restart your application. This saves the developer a significant amount of time tweaking code or iterating over a design. Effectively it changes Xcode from being a
“source editor” to being a “program editor” where source changes are
not just saved to disk but into your running program directly.

How to use it

Setting up your projects to use injection is now as simple as downloading
one of the github
of the app
or from the Mac App Store
and adding the code below somewhere in your app to be executed on
startup (it is no longer necessary to actually run the app itself).

Bundle(path: "/Applications/")?.load()
//for tvOS:
Bundle(path: "/Applications/")?.load()
//Or for macOS:
Bundle(path: "/Applications/")?.load()

It’s also important to add the options -Xlinker and -interposable (without double
quotes and on separate lines) to the “Other Linker Flags” of targets in your project
(for the Debug configuration only) to enable “interposing” (see the explanation below).


After that, when you run your app in the simulator you should see a
message saying a file watcher has started for your home directory
and, whenever you save a source file in the current project it should
report it has been injected. This means all places that formerly
called the old implementation will have been updated to call the
latest version of your code.

It’s not quite as simple as that as to see results on the screen
immediately the new code needs to have actually been called.
For example, if you inject a view controller it needs to force a
redisplay. To resolve this problem, classes can implement an
@objc func injected() method which will be called after the
class has been injected to perform any update to the display.
One technique you can use is to include the following code
somewhere in your program:

extension UIViewController {
    @objc func injected() {

Another solution to this problem is “hosting” using the
Swift Package introduced by this
blog post.

What injection can’t do

You can’t inject changes to how data is laid out in memory i.e.
you cannot add, remove or reorder properties with storage.
For non-final classes this also applies to adding
or removing methods as the vtable used for dispatch is
itself a data structure which must not change over injection.
Injection also can’t work out what pieces of code need to
be re-executed to update the display as discussed above.
Also, don’t get carried away with access control. private
properties and methods can’t be injected directly, particularly
in extensions as they are not a global interposable symbol.
They generally inject indirectly as they can only be acessed
inside the file being injected but this can cause confusion.
Finally, Injection doesn’t cope well with source files being
added/renamed/deleted during injection. You may need to
build and relaunch your app or even close and reopen
your project to clear out old Xcode build logs.

Injection of SwiftUI

SwiftUI is, if anything, better suited to injection than UIKit
as it has specific mechanisms to update the display but you need
to make a couple changes to each View struct you want to inject.
To force redraw the simplest way is to add a property that
observes when an injection has occurred:

@ObserveInjection var forceRedraw

This property wrapper is available in either the
HotSwiftUI or
Swift Package. It essentially contains an @Published
integer your views observe that increments with each
injection. You can use one of the following to make one
of these packages available throughout your project:

@_exported import HotSwiftUI
@_exported import Inject

The second change you need to make for reliable SwiftUI
injection is to “erase the return type” of the body property
by wrapping it in AnyView using the .enableInjection()
method extending View in these packages. This is because,
as you add or remove SwiftUI elements it can change the concrete
return type of the body property which amounts to a memory layout
change that may crash. In summary, the tail end of each body should
always look like this:

var body: some View {
  VStack or whatever {
    // Your SwiftUI code...

@ObserveInjection var redraw

You can leave these modifications in your production code as,
for a Release build they optimise out to a no-op.

Xcode 16

New in Xcode 16 is SWIFT_ENABLE_OPAQUE_TYPE_ERASURE build setting.
This setting is turned ON by default and you don’t need to erase view
body explicitly. You’ll still need to @ObserveInjection to force redraws.

For more info, see Xcode 16.2 release notes.

Injection on an iOS, tvOS or visionOS device

This can work but you will need to actually run one of the github
4.8.0+ releases

of the, set a user default to opt-in and restart the app.

$ defaults write com.johnholdsworth.InjectionIII deviceUnlock any

Then, instead of loading the injection bundles run this script in a “Build Phase”:
(You will also need to turn off the project build setting “User Script Sandboxing”)

if [ -f "$RESOURCES/" ]; then

and, in your application execute the following code on startup:

if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource:
        "iOSInjection", ofType: "bundle") ??
        "macOSInjection", ofType: "bundle") {
    Bundle(path: path)!.load()

Once you have switched to this configuaration it will also
work when using the simulator. Consult the README of the
HotReloading project
for details on how to debug having your program connect to the over Wi-Fi. You will also need to select the project
directory for the file watcher manually from the pop-down menu.

Injection on macOS

It works but you need to temporarily turn off the “app sandbox” and
“library validation” under the “hardened runtime” during development
so it can dynamically load code. In order to avoid codesigning problems,
use the new script as detailed in the instructions for
injection on real devices above.

How it works

Injection has worked various ways over the years, starting out using
the “Swizzling” apis for Objective-C but is now largely built around
a feature of Apple’s linker called “interposing” which provides a
solution for any Swift method or computed property of any type.

When your code calls a function in Swift, it is generally “statically
dispatched”, i.e. linked using the “mangled symbol” of the function being called.
Whenever you link your application with the “-interposable” option
however, an additional level of indirection is added where it finds
the address of all functions being called through a section of
writable memory. Using the operating system’s ability to load
executable code and the fishhook
library to “rebind” the call it is therefore possible to “interpose”
new implementations of any function and effectively stitch
them into the rest of your program at runtime. From that point it will
perform as if the new code had been built into the program.

Injection uses the FSEventSteam api to watch for when a source
file has been changed and scans the last Xcode build log for how to
recompile it and links a dynamic library that can be loaded into your
program. Runtime support for injection then loads the dynamic library
and scans it for the function definitions it contains which it then
“interposes” into the rest of the program. This isn’t the full story as
the dispatch of non-final class methods uses a “vtable” (think C++
virtual methods) which also has to be updated but the project looks
after that along with any legacy Objective-C “swizzling”.

If you are interested knowing more about how injection works
the best source is either my book Swift Secrets or the new, start-over reference implementation
in the InjectionLite
Swift Package. For more information about “interposing” consult this
blog post

or the README of the fishhook project.
For more information about the organisation of the app itself, consult

A bit of terminology

Getting injection to work has three components. A FileWatcher, the code to
recompile any changed files and build a dynamic library that can be loaded
and the injection code itself which stitches the new versions of your code
into the app while it’s running. How these three components are combined
gives rise to the number of ways injection can be used.

“Injection classic” is where you download one of the binary releases
from github and run the You then load one of the bundles
inside that app into your program as shown above in the simulator.
In this configuration, the file watcher and source recompiling is done
inside the app and the bundle connects to the app using a socket to
know when a new dynamic library is ready to be loaded.

“App Store injection” This version of the app is sandboxed and while
the file watcher still runs inside the app, the recompiling and loading
is delegated to be performed inside the simulator. This can create
problems with C header files as the simulator uses a case sensitive
file system to be a faithful simulation of a real device.

“HotReloading injection” was where you are running your app on a device
and because you cannot load a bundle off your Mac’s filesystem on a real
phone you add the HotReloading Swift Package
to your project (during development only!) which contains all the code that
would normally be in the bundle to perform the dynamic loading. This
requires that you use one of the un-sandboxed binary releases. It has
also been replaced by the script described above.

“Standalone injection”. This was the most recent evolution of the project
where you don’t run the app itself anymore but simply load one of the
injection bundles and the file watcher, re-compilation and injection are
all performed inside the simulator. By default this watches for changes
to any Swift file inside your home directory though you can change this
using the environment variable INJECTION_DIRECTORIES.

InjectionLite is a start-over
minimal implementation of standalone injection for reference. Just add
this Swift package and you should be able to inject in the simulator.

InjectionNext is a
currently experimental version of Injection that should be faster and
more reliable for large projects. It integrates into a debugging flag of
Xcode to find out how to recompile files to avoid parsing build logs
and re-uses the client implementation of injection from InjectionLite.
To use with external editors such as Cursor, InjectionNext can also
use a file watcher to detect edits and fall back to build log parsing code.

All these variations require you to add the “-Xlinker -interposble” linker flags
for a Debug build or you will only be able to inject non-final methods of classes
and all can be used in conjunction with either of the higher level
Inject or

Further information

Consult the old README which if anything contained
simply “too much information” including the various environment
variables you can use for customisation. A few examples:

Environment var. Purpose
INJECTION_DETAIL Verbose output of all actions performed
INJECTION_TRACE Log calls to injected functions (v4.6.6+)
INJECTION_HOST Mac’s IP address for on-device injection

With an INJECTION_TRACE environment variable, injecting
any file will add logging of all calls to functions and methods in
the file along with their argument values as an aid to debugging.

A little known feature of InjectionIII is that provided you have
run the tests for your app at some point you can inject an
individual XCTest class and have if run immediately –
reporting if it has failed each time you modify it.


This project includes code from rentzsch/mach_inject,
davedelong/DDHotKey and
acj/TimeLapseBuilder-Swift under their
respective licenses.

The App Tracing functionality uses the OliverLetterer/imp_implementationForwardingToSelector trampoline implementation via the SwiftTrace project under an MIT license.

SwiftTrace uses the very handy
See the project source and header file included in the app bundle
for licensing details.

This release includes a very slightly modified version of the excellent
canviz library to render “dot” files
in an HTML canvas which is subject to an MIT license. The changes are to pass
through the ID of the node to the node label tag (line 212), to reverse
the rendering of nodes and the lines linking them (line 406) and to
store edge paths so they can be coloured (line 66 and 303) in “canviz-0.1/canviz.js”.

It also includes CodeMirror JavaScript editor
for the code to be evaluated using injection under an MIT license.

The fabulous app icon is thanks to Katya of

$Date: 2024/12/02 $