
Federated Authentication with OAuth providers



Documentation Team Chat MIT License Continuous Integration Swift 6.0+

🔐 Federated Authentication with OAuth providers for Vapor.


Use the SPM string to easily include the dependendency in your Package.swift file

.package(url: "", from: "2.0.0-beta.2")

and then add the desired provider to your target’s dependencies:

.product(name: "ImperialGitHub", package: "imperial")


Imperial is a Federated Login service, allowing you to easily integrate your Vapor applications with OAuth providers to handle your apps authentication.

Getting Started

Sessions Middleware

Imperial relies on the sessions middleware to save state and access tokens. In configure.swift, or as a route group for specific routes, add the sessions middleware. For example, to add it globally:


Route Registration

Imperial uses environment variables to access the client ID and secret to authenticate with the provider. See the provider specific docs for details on what they should be.

You need to register the OAuth service with your route. For example, to register a GitHub integration add the following:

try routes.oAuth(from: GitHub.self, authenticate: "github", callback: "gh-auth-complete") { req, token in
    return req.redirect(to: "/")

This registers a route to /github. When you visit that route, Imperial will trigger the OAuth flow using the GitHub service. The callback path is the one registered with the OAuth provider when you create your application. The completion handler is fired when the callback route is called by the OAuth provider. The access token is passed in and a response is returned.

If you just want to redirect, without doing anything else in the callback, you can use the helper RoutesBuilder/oAuth(from:authenticate:authenticateCallback:callback:scope:redirect:) method that takes in a redirect string:

try router.oAuth(from: GitHub.self, authenticate: "github", callback: "gh-auth-complete", redirect: "/")

Access Tokens and Middleware

If you ever want to get the access_token in a route, you can use a helper method for the Request type that comes with Imperial:

let token = try request.accessToken

Now that you are authenticating the user, you will want to protect certain routes to make sure the user is authenticated. You can do this by adding the ImperialMiddleware to a router group (or maybe your middleware config):

let protected = routes.grouped(ImperialMiddleware())

Then, add your protected routes to the protected group:

protected.get("me", use: me)

The ImperialMiddleware by default passes the errors it finds onto ErrorMiddleware where they are caught, but you can initialize it with a redirect path to go to if the user is not authenticated:

let protected = routes.grouped(ImperialMiddleware(redirect: "/"))