
A complete rigid body six degrees of freedom helicopter simulation (ANSI-C) including:
- Main rotor model (including a linear rotor flapping model accounting for coupled servo
rotor dynamics and mechanical feedback by the gyroscopic effect of the
stabilizer bar, e.g. - fly-bar)
- Both main & tail rotor include a combined finite element and blade momentum theory model for the
calculation of a rotor thrust, power and torque
- Vertical & horizontal stabilizer simulation (full aerodynamics)
- ground contact/collision simulation
- Opengl based “outside world” and “inertial navigation system” windows
- Second order (non linear) servo model
- WGS-84 gravity model
- Dryden (linearized) wind model
- Standard atmosphere model (ISA)
- Equations of motion integration using 4th order Runge-Kuta
- IMU emulator
- A place to write the flight control code…