Multiplayer Networking (aka game networking or netcode), mainly focuses on the inherent synchronization challenges of multiplayer online games such as latency, jitter and packet loss — trying to mitigate with sophisticated algorithms and techniques, including prediction, compensation, reconciliation, interpolation and other mechanisms. Multiplayer networking is often deeply involved in and integrated with other game systems like physics, animation and gameplay.
- Game Developers Conference
- Unreal Engine Livestream
- Replication Graph - Epic’s dev-team demonstrates UE 4.20’s new Replication Graph feature.
- Server Optimizations - Ryan Gerleve and Dave Ratti to discuss server optimization techniques in UE4.
- Unreal Fest
- Unity Unite
- Other
- C / C++
- ENet - Simple and robust reliable UDP networking library.
- GameNetworkingSockets - Valve’s internal (Steam) network transport layer for games.
- GGPO - Good Game, Peace Out Rollback Network SDK.
- KCP - A fast and reliable ARQ protocol.
- netcode - Secure connection-based client/server protocol built on top of UDP (C, C#, Rust, Go etc…)
- RakNet - (Inactive) Full-featured and mature reliable UDP networking engine.
- Reliable - A packet acknowledgement system for UDP ©.
- Serialize - A simple bitpacking serializer for C++.
- Snapnet - AAA netcode for real-time multiplayer games.
- TNL2 - (Inactive) Torque Networking Library 2 which is quite similar to TRIBES Networking Model.
- yojimbo - Reliable UDP networking library for client/server games with dedicated servers (C++).
- C#
- Barebones Master Server - Backend framework with auth, profile, lobby, chat features for Unity.
- DarkRift 2 - Unity focused high-performance multi-threaded multiplayer networking solution.
- FishNet - Unity networking solution aimed towards reliability, ease of use, efficiency, and flexibility.
- Forge Networking - Unity focused real-time multiplayer networking solution.
- GONet - Unity netcode solution, mostly GameObject centric.
- Lidgren.Network - Reliable UDP networking library (.NET/Mono/Unity).
- LiteNetLib - Lite reliable UDP networking library (.NET/Mono/Unity).
- MagicOnion - Unified Realtime/API framework for .NET platform and Unity.
- Mirror - A community replacement for Unity’s abandoned UNET Networking System.
- Netcode for Entities - Unity’s official netcode SDK for Entities workflows.
- Netcode for GameObjects - Unity’s official netcode SDK for GameObject workflows.
- Netick - A server-authoritative networking solution for Unity.
- NetStack - Lightweight toolset for creating concurrent networking systems for multiplayer games.
- Networker - TCP and UDP networking library (.NET/Unity).
- Normcore - Seamless multiplayer game networking for Unity (Cloud/SaaS).
- Photon Engine - Hybrid multiplayer game networking platform (Cloud/SaaS).
- RiptideNetworking - Lightweight C# networking solution for multiplayer games.
- Go
- Nakama - Open-source backend infrastructure for multiplayer games (also with Unity/C# SDK).
- GoWorld - Scalable Distributed Game Server Engine with Hot Swapping (and Unity demo!).
- Java
- SmartFoxServer - Massive multiplayer game server with advanced built-in features.
- JavaScript
- Actionhero - A node.js API server framework for TCP sockets, websockets and HTTP clients.
- Colyseus - Authoritative multiplayer game server backend framework.
- Kalm - Socket manager/optimizer library with custom congestion control for Node.js and browsers.
- SocketCluster - Scalable multi-process HTTP & real-time server framework.
- CapAnalysis - Web visual tool to analyze captured network traffic. (Ubuntu, Debian)
- clumsy - Network condition simulation utility. (Windows)
- netem - Network emulation for testing protocols. (Linux)
- matchmaker - Matchmaking simulator with real worldwide player data (Go).
- mitmproxy - Web debugging proxy server. (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- Network Link Conditioner - Network environment simulation utility. (macOS, iOS)
- Network Simulator (ns) - Network simulator targeting research and educational use. (macOS, Linux)
- Postman - Web API debugging and development client. (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- websocat - CLI client for WebSockets like netcat or curl. (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer tool. (Windows, macOS, Linux)