SIMBL plugin for Disk Utility that aims to enable Verify / Repair Permissions support
mySIMBL plugin for Disk Utility that aims to enable the removed Verify / Repair Permissions support
Installation is fairly easy if you have mySIMBL installed! mySIMBL Repository
Just download the project, open it in Xcode, compile and find the EnhanceDiskUtility.bundle in Finder!
Then double-click it and it will be installed to mySIMBL. Just make sure it has a green light which means its enabled!
NOTE: You will NEED to sign both the SMJobBlessHelper project, the SMJobBlessHelperCaller project and the EnhanceDiskUtility bundle project with your Developer ID or Mac Developer signature. The software CAN’T work without it!
FireWolf’s Repair Permissions Utility
Dual-Licensed under 996ICU License and MIT License.
By using this project as a company (or even person), you agree that your company (or yourself) will use the project while abiding to the labor rules of your country’s. For more info, and specific law matters carefully read the 996ICU License.