
A tool for analyzing and debugging intermittent cucumber failures

Cuke Lab

The Problem

Need a way to debug and fix intermittent cucumner failures, e.g., a scenario that fails 5 times out of 100.

Getting Started

  1. cd pro/ui/tmp
  2. git clone [email protected]:sgonzalez-r7/cuke_lab.git
  3. cd cuke_lab
  4. bundle install
  5. rake spec
  6. Verify specs are passing.


Repeatablity Lab Example

  1. Identify an intermittently failing test
  2. run/bin prepare NAME
  3. bin/run repeat --name=NAME --features=FEATURE1.feature FEATURE2.feature --cuke_opts='--tags @focus' -n=10
  4. bin/run analysis NAME


prepare - creates a lab directory structure

bin/run prepare NAME

└── NAME
    ├── data
    └── results

repeat - runs cucumber n times and collects the results

bin/run repeat --name=NAME --features=FEATURE1 FEATURE2 --cuke_opts='--tags @focus' -n=10

Note: FEATURE1 and FEATURE2 are specified relative to features directory, e.g., pro/ui/features

pro-tip - use the --dry-run option to verify the commands without running cucumber. To see all the command line options for repeat: bin/run help repeat

Results are collected in the data directory.

└── NAME
    ├── data
    │   ├── run_00001.json
    │   ├── run_00002.json
    │   |── run_00003.json
    |.. |── ...
    |.. └── run_00010.json
    └── results

analysis - calcuates the failure distribution of a repeatability experiment

The analysis command reads the cucumber output in the data directory and calculates the failure distribution. The distribution is written in 2 formats: distribution.json and distribution.csv. The json file is OK for human consumption. The csv file, however, is meant to be consumed by Excel or some other data analysis tool.

bin/run analysis NAME

└── NAME
    ├── data
    │   ├── run_00001.json
    │   ├── run_00002.json
    │   |── run_00003.json
    |.. |── ...
    |.. └── run_00010.json
    └── results
        ├── distribution.json
        └── distribution.csv


# distribution.json
    "failure": {
      "feature": "/Users/sgonzalez/rapid7/pro/ui/features/sessions/session_collect.feature",
      "scenario": "Scenario: Collect Data from a Session",
      "step": "When I click on the first Active Session link",
      "error_message": "Unable to find css \"#active_sessions\" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)"
    "n": 5
    "failure": {
      "feature": "/Users/sgonzalez/rapid7/pro/ui/features/sessions/session_collect.feature",
      "scenario": "Scenario: Collect Data from a Session",
      "step": "When I click the \"Collect System Data\" button to submit input",
      "error_message": "Unable to find button \"Collect System Data\" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)"
    "n": 2
# failure_data.csv
/Users/sgonzalez/rapid7/pro/ui/features/sessions/session_collect.feature,Scenario: Collect Data from a Session,When I click on the first Active Session link,"Unable to find css ""#active_sessions"" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)",1,5
/Users/sgonzalez/rapid7/pro/ui/features/sessions/session_collect.feature,Scenario: Collect Data from a Session,"When I click the ""Collect System Data"" button to submit input","Unable to find button ""Collect System Data"" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)",2,2