Time-travel debugging for Pinia🍍, Vue’s official state management library
Colada offers a suite of tools for Vue developers working with the Pinia state management library:
- Chrome DevTool Extension
- NPM package that serves as a plugin for the Vue.js DevTools Chrome Extension
- Pinia🍍 plugin to directly access and mutate your app’s store
Core Features
- âś… Minimal installation and automatic detection of Vue app in Vue.js DevTools
- 🔄 Direct integration into Vue.js DevTools, so developers can use Colada without leaving their existing devtool configuration
- 🕰️ Time travel debugging
- 🔎 Inspector panel for viewing Pinia state within your Vue app
- đź’» A Chrome DevTool Extension providing enhanced features, including:
- 🕰️ Time travel debugging
- 🔎 Inspector panel for viewing Pinia state within your Vue app
Getting Started
Installation: Vue DevTools Plugin
- Ensure the Vue.js DevTools Chrome Extension is installed
- Install the Colada npm package in your app’s root directory
npm install colada-plugin --save-dev
- Add Colada to your Vue app
// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { createPinia } from 'pinia';
// import Colada Plugin
import Colada, { PiniaColadaPlugin } from 'colada-plugin';
import App from './App.vue';
const app = createApp(App);
const pinia = createPinia();
Installation: Chrome DevTools Extension
NOTE: Ensure the Vue.js DevTools Chrome Extension is installed before installing the Colada DevTool Chrome Extension
There are two ways to install the Colada Chrome Extension:
1. Install from the Chrome Web Store
- Navigate to Colada on the Chrome Web Store, and click “Add to Chrome”

2. Install from source
- Clone this repository
- Run the following commands
cd colada-extension
npm install
npm run build
- This will create a new
directory in /colada-extension
- In Chrome, navigate to chrome://extensions.
- In the top right of the Extensions page, there is a toggle for “Developer Mode.” Make sure this is toggled ON.
- On the top left of the page, select “Load Unpacked”, and select the
How to Use Colada
Using the Colada Vue DevTools Plugin
- Navigate to the Vue.js DevTools
Time Travel Debugging
- Select the “Colada” timeline in the timeline view
- Turn off screenshots

- Changes in your app’s store and state will automatically be tracked on the timeline
- Click on timeline events to travel through time and update your app’s state
Inspector Panel - View Your App’s Stores and State in Real Time
- Select “Colada” in the component menu drop down
- Click on your Pinia store to view state, actions, and getters updated in real time

Using the Colada Chrome DevTool Extension
Navigate to Colada DevTools in Chrome

Changes in your app’s store and state will automatically be tracked on the timeline
Click on a timestamp or use the arrows to travel through time and update your app’s state
View your app’s state as you time travel in the inspector panel on the right

How to Give Colada a Test Run With Our Demo App
- Clone this repository
- Navigate to the
cd demo-project
- Install packages and run application
npm install
npm run dev
- Interact with the app to watch the app’s state update in real-time!
Contributing and Issues
Interested in conributing to Colada? Reach out to our core team
Feature requests or issues/bugs to report? Let us know!
Release Notes
0.1.1 | Initial release of Colada, more to come!